Want to take admission in Bryan College then you should read this page carefully so that all the information related to BRYAN Tennessee can be cleared to you easily. For all student especially of Tennessee you need to understand many important things related to BryanCollege like requirement of GPA, SAT and ACT score for admission in Bryan College. In beginning we also suggest you that for all official notification and more details you can visit website of BRYAN Tennessee bryan.edu. BryanCollege is Small scale college where you can study for Undergrad/Graduate level.
On thestreaminglive.com you can get all minor to major details about Bryan College. We will talk about Acceptance rate, Admission Difficulty for admission in BRYAN Tennessee, High School credits accepted and more. From given table you can get main information of BryanCollege like Applicant Competition, Location of college, Level of Study, location or Website of Bryan College.
SAT | 970/1260 |
ACT | 21/26 |
Applications Due | - |
Applicant Competition | Average |
Location | Dayton, Tennessee |
Online | bryan.edu |
School Type | Private 4 Year |
Religious Affiliation | Interdenominational |
Size | Small |
Status | Non-profit |
On Campus Housing | Yes |
Level of Study | Undergrad/Graduate |
SAT which is also known as Scholastic Assessment Test is accepted by BRYAN Tennessee for to take admission of student in their college. Now we will talk about what SAT score required to take admission in BryanCollege. Requirement of SAT scores for admission in Bryan College vary for chances. For example if you have 1460 to 1520 SAT score then you may have Avg chances to take admission in BryanCollege.
In below table we described about SAT Scores for Bryan College and BRYAN Tennessee admission chances by SAT scores. We team of thestreaminglive.com suggest all of interested applicant of BryanCollege that you must prepare yourself hard so that you can get good SAT score. If you want to approximate SAT Scores required for admission in Bryan College then you can study the table given below. SAT score in Reading, Math and Composite is matter for BRYAN Tennessee entry therefore you should consider it.
SAT Reading 25th | 520 |
SAT Math 25th | 460 |
SAT Composite 25th | 970 |
SAT Reading 75th | 650 |
SAT Math 75th | 610 |
SAT Composite 75th | 1260 |
Average SAT Score | 1120 |
1260 and Above | Good | >64% |
1115 to 1260 | Avg + | 51%-64% |
970 to 1115 | Avg - | 38%-51% |
825 to 970 | Reach | 26%-38% |
Less than 825 | Low | <> |
ACT also spelled as American College Testing is used for taking admission in USA colleges and University like Bryan College. ACT scores are widely used in USA colleges and for admission in BRYAN Tennessee you should have good ACT score. ACT test for BryanCollege covers academic skills which are English, Math, Reading and Reasoning. In this thestreaminglive.com page you will know how much ACT scores are required to get admission in Bryan College. In below table we explained about ACT Scores for BRYAN Tennessee and admission chances by ACT score.
Form BryanCollege ACT table you can know clearly about the Score required in various streams like Reading, Math and Composite. Every interested student who wants to take admission in Bryan College should understand that you need to get more score which is mentioned below. If you can’t get admission in BRYAN Tennessee than you may try to other college because most of college and university accept these scores for the admission process.
ACT Reading 25th | 21 |
ACT Math 25th | 18 |
ACT Composite 25th | 21 |
ACT Reading 75th | 26 |
ACT Math 75th | 24 |
ACT Composite 75th | 26 |
Average ACT Score | 23 |
26 and Above | Good | >66% |
23 to 26 | Avg + | 51%-66% |
21 to 23 | Avg - | 41%-51% |
19 to 21 | Reach | 31%-41% |
Less than 19 | Low | <> |
Now we will talk about the two important aspects which are Bryan College admission statistics and Admission requirement. In statistics you will know about applied students in BRYAN Tennessee and how much accepted for admission. By knowing all these you have idea related to acceptance rate of BryanCollege. Second thing you will know form below Bryan College table that how many students enrolled and what is the percent of admitted students who enrolled. This is also a important statistics you shall obtain for below BRYAN Tennessee statistics table.
After all these now let’s talk about the admission requirement for BryanCollege. There are various thing you need to consider for Bryan College admission like if they consider Test Scores (SAT/ACT), If High School GPA is consider for admission or not. Some colleges like BRYAN Tennessee also take into consideration the High School Class rank so from below table you will know about it. Thus all dear BryanCollege applicants you must see every detail clearly to know more about the admission process.
Applied | 525 | 377 | 902 |
Accepted | 258 | 205 | 463 |
Acceptance Rate | 0.49 | 54% | 51% |
Enrolled | 86 | 106 | 192 |
Percent of Admitted Who Enrolled (Admission Yield) | 0.33 | 52% | 41% |
Test Scores | Required |
High School GPA | Required |
High School Class Rank | Neither required nor recommended |
Completion of College Preparatory Program | Recommended |
Recommendations | Required |
Demonstration of Competencies | Neither required nor recommended |
Now finally we will discuss about Admission difficulty for Bryan College and High School credits accepted at college. In tabular information given below about BRYAN Tennessee you can easily get about this important information. Firstly we will know about Admission Standards for BryanCollege admission. Next very important thing which most of Bryan College applicants want to know that what is applicant competition for admission in college.
Now we will know about whether BRYAN Tennessee consider AP Credit for admission or not you can know about it from below table. In second point we will know whether Dual Credit accepted for admission in BryanCollege college or not. Last but not the least you also want to know if Bryan College college accepts Credit for Life Experiences for admission or not.
AP Credit | Yes |
Dual Credit | Yes |
Credit for Life Experiences | No |
Admission Standards | Challenging |
Applicant Competition | Average |
Stanford University Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator stanford.edu |
Location:Stanford, California Size:Large Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
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Location:Pasadena, California Size:Small Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
Yale University Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator yale.edu |
Location:New Haven, Connecticut Size:Mid-size Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
University of Chicago Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator uchicago.edu |
Location:Chicago, Illinois Size:Mid-size Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
Harvard University Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator harvard.edu |
Location:Cambridge, Massachusetts Size:Large Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
Cambridge College Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator cambridgecollege.edu |
Location:Cambridge, Massachusetts Size:Small Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:No Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
Princeton University Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator princeton.edu |
Location:Princeton, New Jersey Size:Mid-size Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
Duke University Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator duke.edu |
Location:Durham, North Carolina Size:Large Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
Rice University Private 4 Year Acceptance Rate Fees Cost Majors Studies GPA Calculator rice.edu |
Location:Houston, Texas Size:Mid-size Status:Non-profit On Campus Housing:Yes Level of Study:Undergrad/Graduate |
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